- “VesselAI - Enabling Maritime Digitalization by Extreme-Scale Analytics, AI and Digital Twins”. Horizon 2020 / ICT Programme. [URL under construction].
- “MASTER – Multiple Aspects Trajectory Management and Analysis”. EU research project funded by Horizon 2020 / ICT Programme Research Executive Agency (REA), European Commission, Marie Sklodowska-Curie. [URL http://www.master-project-h2020.eu].
- “SEEK – Semantic Enrichment of Trajectory Knowledge Discovery”, FP7/ PEOPLE Programme, [www.seek-project.eu].
- “DATASIM – Data Science for Simulating the Era of Electric Vehicles”. FP7/ICT/FET-Open Programme, 2011-14, [www.datasim-fp7.eu].
- “MOVE – Knowledge Discovery from Moving Objects”, ESF/COST Programme, 2009-13. [www.move-cost.info].
- “Mobility, Data Mining, and Privacy (MODAP)”. FP7/ICT/FET-Open Programme, 2009-12, [www.modap.org].
- “Geographic Privacy-aware Knowledge Discovery and Delivery (GeoPKDD)”, [www.geopkdd.eu], FP6/IST/FET-Open Programme, 2005-09.
- “Management of spatiotemporal and semantic data for the documentation of historical information (DIACHORON)”, GSRT Programme «Ανταγωνιστικότητα», 2006-08.
- “Ontology-based construction and management of metadata for the intelligent search in document and imagery collections (MetA-On)”, Information Society Programme, 2006-08.
- “Spatio-temporal Data and Knowledge Management in Expert Virtual Environments” Pythagoras EPEAEK II Programme, 2004-05.
- Asset Liability Management in A Time Varying Volatility Environment. 2008 Research Grant Competition, SOA, The Actuarial Foundation, CKER.
- Efficiency analysis of the Greek insurance market.
- Improving the national health system.
- Integrated Project (6th European Commission Framework Programme): Water management under water scarcity conditions (AquaScarcity). Prepared within EurAqua, a network of leading European research organizations for linking science and policy and for providing relevant knowledge to promote the protection and sustainable use of European freshwater resources.
- IPUMS, Integrated Population Micro-census data project.
- National Catastrophe Insurance System for Greece.
- New regulatory framework for insurance companies — Implementation of Solvency II.
- EMPhAtiC (ICT-318362, http://www.ict-emphatic.eu) FP7 programme.
- PHYDYAS (INFSO-ICT-211887, http://www.ict-phydyas.org). FP7 programme.
- Restructuring public pension systems.
- SHARE (Survey of health, ageing & retirement in Europe). Συντονιστής: Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Ageing.
- WHO-health: Social Determinants of Health and the Health Divide in the WHO European Region.
- ICILAS (Investigating Crucial Interdisciplinary Linkages in Ageing Societies).
- Gender Pension gap in Europe – EU programme