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The Department of Economics has a fixed goal: to foster high standard education and research in Economics. 

The syllabus of our 4-year undergraduate programme consists of a variety of courses and aims at fulfilling the twofold objective, of fostering the theoretical and empirical knowledge necessary to understand the complex economic phenomena. Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics, International Economics, Monetary, and Financial Economics are only few of the areas that are treated and taught in depth. The undergraduate programme is completed with various elective courses that equip students with scientific tools necessary to understand and analyze contemporary economic issues. It further offers the possibility for an (optional) internship and Erasmus exchange. 

Our Department also has a well-established graduate programme, which leads to five Master's degrees: "Economic and Business Strategy""Health Economics and Management", "Economics of Education and Management of Educational Units", "Bioeconomy, Circular Economy and Sustainable Development" and "Applied Public Economics & Policy". It further offers Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Post-Doctorate (Post-Doc) degrees.

Our graduates enjoy an excellent reputation and are well-appreciated by both the private and public sector in the country. Many of our former students hold positions in top EU or US schools.

The quality of research in our Department is reflected in the amount of leading journals that publish our work, the competence of existing and recently hired academic staff, the recruit of talented Ph.D. and Post-Doc students, and the resources and activities devoted to research.

Our Department hosts a number of seminars directed to M.Sc. students, which link theory and practice. In addition, the Department's Research Seminar Series offers the opportunity to our Ph.D.s and staff members to be exposed to the current work of internationally renowned researchers and policy makers.

The current research outcome of our Department is disseminated in the Economics Working Paper Series (EWPS). The latter, constitutes of articles that are “work in progress” and aim to stimulate discussion and contribute to the advancement of our knowledge of economic matters. 

Οur Economic Department is also home to the SPOUDAI - Journal of Economics and Business, an EconLit listed international peer-reviewed journal, awarded by Athens Academy, which features a distinguished broad advisory committee and highly skilled and diversified group of referees. The journal is edited by the University of Piraeus and managed by the Department of Economics.  

Finally, our Department hosts a distant learning programme (e-learning) for students and employees who want to stay competent and acquire high-level skills. Our e-learning programme allows students to study applied topics of Business, Economics, Finance, Education, History and Foreign Policy from a distance and get a University accredited certification.

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