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MSc in "Actuarial Science and Risk Management"


The Master of Science in Actuarial Science and Risk Management, launched in September 2007, is a well-established course that explores the versatile world of the actuarial science and risk management. The course is designed to combine a practical approach with sound theory to create a stimulating learning environment for graduates who are looking to enter the actuarial and risk management profession. Our graduates get equipped for a very wide range of careers in actuarial and risk management departments of banks, insurance companies, securities firms, finance departments of industrial companies, multinational financial organizations, etc.

Applicants for the Master of Science Program can be graduates of Statistics, Mathematics and Economics Departments or any other University Departments offering a number of courses in mathematics and statistics. The selection of candidates is based on their undergraduate performance, their degrees in mathematics and statistics related courses, previous studies, and an interview. The duration of the program is three semesters (four semesters until 2011); Students attend courses in all semesters while at the third semester they also prepare their Msc thesis. Lectures are given in the Greek language. To satisfy the requirements of the degree program students must complete nine core courses, five electives and a Msc thesis.

A tentative list of the courses offered in the postgraduate program is the following: 

- Core courses Risk Theory I

 - Economic and Financial Mathematics

 - Life Contingencies I

 - Fundamentals of Risk Management

 - Risk Theory II

 - Life Contingencies II

 - Financial Risk Management

 - Enterprise Risk Management for Actuaries

 - Pension Funding and Valuation

 -  Loss Distributions and Extreme Value Theory


 - Stochastic Processes in Finance and Insurance

- Survival Analysis: Models and Tables

-  Investment Theory and Portfolio Management

-  Operational Risk Management

-  Insurance Premiums Theory

-  Special Topics in Life and Health Insurance

-  Statistical analysis of actuarial survival models

-  Financial Derivatives

-  Risk Management in Banking

-  International Financial Markets

-  Statistical Methods

-  Actuarial Practice in Greece

-  Asset - Liability Management

-  Mathematics of General Insurance

-  Risk Management Strategies 

For more information visit  MSc in Actuarial Science and Risk Management web page (In Greek).


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