The Department constitutes the main educational and academic unit of the University which promotes science, technology or the arts in the relevant field of science, organizing teaching within the framework of the curriculum program and ensures continuous improvement of learning processes. The Department consists of all Professors, Lecturers, Special Education Personnel (SPD), Laboratory Teaching Staff (ACC) and Special Technical Laboratory Staff (STEP), who serve in it.
The bodies of the Department are: (according to the Law 4009/2011, as it has been amended by Law 4076/2012).
(A) The President of the Department who is elected every two years by an electoral body composed of all faculty members of the Department (Professors and Lecturers)
Head of Department (Academic years 2020-21): Assoc. Professor Sotirios Mpersimis
(B) The General Assembly (GA) which is the main body of the Department and consists of all faculty members (Professors and Lecturers), one representative from each category of the Special Education Personnel (SPD), Laboratory Teaching Staff (ACC) and Special Technical Laboratory Staff (STEP), one undergraduate and one graduate student.
- Secretariat of the Department:
Tzivra Georgia (Department Secretary) 1st Floor, Office 115, Tel 210 4142083
Tsilfidou Athanasia 1st Floor, Office 115, Tel 210 4142222, 210 4142083
Konstantelou Antonia 1st Floor, Office 115 Tel 210 4142084, 120 4142083
Garantzioti Georgia 1st Floor, Office 115, Tel 210 4142086, 210 4142083
Kapoti Georgia 1st Floor, Office 115, Tel 210 4142085, 210 4142083
- Secretariat of the Department Head:
Konstantinou Areti 5th Floor, Office 536, Tel: 210 4142307
Dimiri Eleni 5th Floor, Office 536, Tel: 210 4142005