Quality Policy for Undergraduate Studies
The Curriculum of the undergraduate course in the Department of Statistics and Insurance Science provides students with a strong theoretical background in the fundamental principles and methods of mathematics and statistical science on the one hand, and the main axes that govern the concept of insurance (in its various forms) and the operation of the insurance market on the other. The training provided by the department therefore bridges the theoretical foundation and development of mathematical models with the use of these models in a wide range of applied science, such as the rich spectrum of statistical applications (medicine and life sciences, physics, economics and finance, geology, environment, etc.) and the field of insurance and actuarial science.
The Department of Statistics and Insurance Science, in collaboration with the Quality Assurance Unit (MODIP) of the University of Piraeus and in full harmonization with the Quality Policy of the University of Piraeus, for the implementation of quality policy is committed to supporting the academic orientation of the programme, promoting its purpose and objectives. Further, building in this collaboration, the Department implements its strategic objectives and determines the means and ways to achieve them; moreover, applies the appropriate quality procedures, with the ultimate goal of its continuous improvement.
Vision of the Department
The Department of Statistics and Insurance Science (SAE) aims to create future scientists and researchers with a high level of potential, well trained in both academic and practical skills. The undergraduate programme aims to cultivate individual inclinations and interests but also, through the academic and professional development of its graduates, to contribute to the development of society and the improvement of economic conditions for our country.
In particular, the main objectives of the Department are the following:
- to provide students with the necessary skills to ensure their thorough training for their scientific and professional career and development;
- to generate and disseminate knowledge through research and teaching with the aim of creating a department with international recognition and reputation, which has as faculty members scientists of international prestige;
- to respond, to the best of its ability and within the framework of its subject matter, to the confrontation of the problems that the Greek society faces, contributing to its development and progress.
The Department, with its unique combination of the scientific fields of statistics and insurance, aims in creating scientists in these areas who will be equipped with all necessary skills and abilities so as to be competitive at an international level. In order to achieve these targets, our BSc programme, from its foundation in 1982 up to now has undergone a thorough and continuous evaluation with a number of substantial changes which have improved it structure, content and potential.
The last of these changes led to a complete overhaul of the BSc programme, which has been gradually put into operation since the academic year 2017-18, and has emerged taking into account
(α) the recommendations of the Committee of External Evaluation;
(β) similar undergraduate programmes of well-respected Universities in Europe and the USA;
(γ) the needs of the Hellenic society.
We believe that the revised Curriculum covers the full range of modern scientific requirements and trends, related to the growing and professionally attractive branches of Statistics and Insurance Science. With the cooperation and assistance of everyone (academic, administrative staff and students) and intensifying our efforts, we can collectively achieve the further proper functioning, upgrading and development of studies, as well as the extroversion of our Department, so that it can continue its bright course and its remarkable contribution to the University of Piraeus and, more generally, to the Higher Education in our country.
Planning of aims and activities
The implementation of the quality policy is achieved through the institution of Quality Monitoring Indicators for the undergraduate programme of the SAE Department. These indicators follow the Strategic Objectives of the Department and are in good agreement with those of the University. Quantitative indicators are proposed for each objective; the monitoring of the values for these indicators is fully integrated in the continuous assessment for the evolution of quality in the programme of studies.
For each indicator, target values are proposed which are evaluated and updated on an annual basis, as well as specific actions / procedures to achieve them. There is also a timetable for the implementation of both the main and individual goals that have been set.
Publicity of the Quality Policy
The policy of the Department is made public and disseminated to its involved members, so that its academic and administrative staff as well as its students take responsibility for quality assurance in accordance with their role. Also, the quality policy is posted for anyone interested on the department's website.