Ο Ευάγγελος Σαμπράκος είναι Ομότιμος Καθηγητής στο Τμήμα Οικονομικής Επιστήμης στο Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς, όπου διδάσκει από το 1992, Οικονομική των Μεταφορών και της Ναυτιλίας, Αξιολόγηση Επενδύσεων και Logistcs. Έχει κάνει μεταπτυχιακές σπουδές στην Γαλλία (D.E.A και Διδακτορικό) στα Οικονομικά των Μεταφορών, από την Σχολή Οικονομικών Επιστημών του Πανεπιστημίου Lyon 2 και της Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’ Etat (Εθνική Σχολή Δημοσίων Έργων του Γαλλικού Κράτους) και έχει Δίπλωμα Πολιτικού Μηχανικού από το Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο της Θεσσαλονίκης.
Υπηρέτησε επί 15 έτη στο Τμήμα Ναυτιλιακών Σπουδών στο Πανεπιστήμιο Πειραιώς (1992-2007) και στην συνέχεια στο Τμήμα Οικονομικής Επιστήμης (2007-2021), στο Υπουργείο Εθνικής Οικονομίας (1987-1992), στους Γαλλικούς Σιδηροδρόμους (1984-1985) και στο Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports του Πανεπιστημίου Lyon 2 (1982-1984). Έχει συμμετάσχει στην εκπόνηση πολλών μελετών και ερευνητικών προγραμμάτων για τις μεταφορές, την ναυτιλία, τα Logistcs και τις επενδύσεις έχει λάβει μέρος μέρος σε πάνω από εκατό Διεθνή Συνέδρια στην Ελλάδα και στο εξωτερικό, η δε έρευνά του έχει χρηματοδοτηθεί από ευρωπαϊκούς και εθνικούς πόρους.
'Εχει συγγράψει επτά επιστημονικά συγγράμματα, έχει επιμεληθεί την έκδοση των Πρακτικών τεσσάρων Συνεδρίων και Επιστημονικών Ημερίδων και συμμετείχε με εργασίες του (κεφάλαια) σε βιβλία που εκδόθηκαν από μεγάλους εκδοτικούς οίκους του εξωτερικού. Οι εργασίες του έχουν δημοσιευθεί σε διακεκριμένα επιστημονικά περιοδικά όπως το European Journal of Operational Research, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Maritime Policy & Management.
Εκτός από το Πανεπιστήμιο του Πειραιώς, έχει διδάξει ως επισκέπτης καθηγητής, σε πολλά Πανεπιστήμια όπως στο Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Αιγαίου, στο University of Nancy 2, στο Shanghai Maritime University, στο Διεθνές Πανεπιστήμιο της Ελλάδος, στην Σχολή Ικάρων (ΣΜΑ), στην Πολυτεχνική Σχολή του ΑΠΘ.
Διετέλεσε Δ/ντης του "Εργαστηρίου Οικονομικής των Μεταφορών και Αειφόρου Κινητικότητας" και από το 2011 έως το 2021 ήταν Editor in Chief στο Επιστημονικό Περιοδικό του Πανεπιστημίου Πειραιώς SPOUDAI Journal of Economics and Business.
Προπτυχιακά Μαθήματα
- Οικονομική Μεταφορών | 6ο εξάμηνο (υποχρεωτικό)
- Πολιτική των Μεταφορών και της Ναυτιλίας | 3ο εξάμηνο (επιλογή)
- Αξιολόγηση Επενδύσεων | 7ο εξάμηνο (επιλογής)
- Διοίκηση Μεταφορικών Επιχειρήσεων | 6ο εξάμηνο (επιλογής στο Τμήμα Οργ. και Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων)
Μεταπτυχιακά Μαθήματα
Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών "Οικονομική και Επιχειρησιακή Στρατηγική"
- Οικονομοτεχνικές Μελέτες | 2ο εξάμηνο (υποχρεωτικό)
- Οικονομικά της Ναυτιλίας και των Μεταφορών | 3ο εξάμηνο (επιλογής)
Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών "Οικονομικά και Διοίκηση της Υγείας"
- Αξιολόγηση Επενδύσεων στην Υγεία | 1ο εξάμηνο (υποχρεωτικό)
- Διαχείριση Αποθεμάτων - Προμηθειών στην Υγεία
ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΕΙΣ (in Refereed Journals)
- Ramfou, I. and Sambracos, E., 2023, "Exploring the Use of Systems Dynamics for the Valuation of Freight Transport Time Changes" Theoretical Economics Letters, 13, 1418-1433.
- M Maniati, E Sambracos, S Sklavos, 2022, "A Neural Network approach for integrating banks’ decision in shipping finance" Cogent Economics & Finance 10 (1), 2150134
- AM Goulielmos, C Giziakis, E Sambracos, 2021, "Can We Trace and Estimate the Technical Progress in Shipping Industry by Using the Cobb-Douglas Production Function?", Modern Economy, 12 (10), 1563-1592
- Marina Maniati, Evangelos Sambracos and Emmanouil Nikolaidis, 2020, “Integrating banks’ decision on financing dry bulk shipping: a multivariable approach”, Maritime Policy and Management, Vol 47, pages 127-138.
- Sambracos, E., Maniati, M., Sklavos, S., 2020, “A multi-parametric simulation study of neural networks' performance for nonlinear data against linear regression analysis in economics” International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence, Vol.6, No.1 pages 17-31.
- Nimorakiotaki D. & Sambracos, E. 2020, "Demand on Public Transportation during the Economic Crisis: The Greek Case", European Research Studies Journal, Volume 23, Special Issue 2, pages 282-297.
- Eleftheriou, K. & Sambracos, E. 2019, "Tourism–growth nexus and spatial spillovers: Evidence from Greece", Tourism Economics, Vol. 25 (2) pages 297-302.
- Sambracos E., Polydoropoulou A., Maniati M., Ramfou I., 2019, “Decision-making process for evaluating socio-economic impact of green transport policies in insular areas” International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Special Issue – ICTIMESH 2019 (http://www.ijeam.com/Published%20Paper/Special%20Issue/ICTIMESH%202019/12.pdf), p. 69-81.
- Alexopoulos, A. & Sambracos, E. 2018, "Flag State Policies and Labour Dynamics in the Shipping Industry", International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies, Inderscience Publishers, Vol. 8, No 3, pages 233-245.
- Maniati, M. & Sambracos, E., 2017, "Measuring the Technical Efficiency for the Shipping Banks—An Approach Using Data Envelopment Analysis", Theoretical Economics Letters, Vol 7, Issue 3, pages 502-516.
- Maniati, M. & Sambracos, E., 2017, “Decision-making process in shipping finance: A stochastic approach”, Cogent Economics and Finance, Taylor & Francis Group, Volume 5, Issue 1 (1317083).
- Papadopoulou, G., Sambracos, E. and Xesfigi, 2017, “Influential Factors of Passengers' Expenditures During A Cruise Trip: The Case of the Greek Islands”, South Eastern Europe Journal of Economics, Volume 15, No 1, pages 15-31.
- Evangelos Sambracos & Irene Ramfou, 2016. “Do freight transport time savings translate to benefit for transport consuming companies?” International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management, Volume 11, Issue 2, pages 2-11.
- Evangelos Sambracos & Irene Ramfou, 2014. "The Effect of Freight Transport Time Changes on the Performance of Manufacturing Companies," European Research Studies Journal, vol. 17(1), pages 119-138.
- Georgia Papadopoulou & Evangelos Sambracos, 2014 “Recent Evolution of Cruise Activities in European Ports of Embarkation: a Quantitative and Economic Approach”, Archives of Economic History Vol. XXVI Νο 1, pages 7-26.
- Papadopoulou, G. and Sambracos, E. (2014) The Economic Significance of cruise tourism: An overview in the Mediterranean Market, Journal of Tourism & Development (Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento), 21/22(5), p. 93-94.
- Evangelos Sambracos & Marina Maniati, 2014. "Financial Crisis & Passenger Shipping: Evidence from Greece, "SPOUDAI Journal of Economics and Business, vol. 64(2), pages 40-49, April-Jun.
- Evangelos Sambracos & Irene Ramfou, 2013. "Freight Transport Time Savings and Organizational Performance: A Systemic Approach", International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research (IJESAR), vol. 6(1), pages 19-40.
- Evangelos Sambracos & Marina Maniat, 2013 “Financing shipping market: special characteristics and the impact of Basel III”, Journal of Advanced Studies in Finance, Vol. IV, 2(8) p.p.115-120.
- Konstantinos Rigas & Evangelos Sambracos & Androniki Gatzoli, 2011. "Air and sea transport: Competition strategies under normal and economic crisis environments," SPOUDAI Journal of Economics and Business, vol. 61(3-4), pages 65-84.
- Evangelos Sambracos & Marina Maniati, 2012. "Competitiveness between short sea shipping and road freight transport in mainland port connections; the case of two Greek ports," Maritime Policy & Management, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 39(3), pages 321-337.
- Karlaftis, Matthew G. & Kepaptsoglou, Konstantinos & Sambracos, Evangelos, 2009. "Containership routing with time deadlines and simultaneous deliveries and pick-ups," Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Elsevier, vol. 45(1), pages 210-221.
- Sambracos, Evangelos & Rigas, Konstantinos, 2007. "Passenger reactions to market deregulation: First results from the experience of the Greek islands market," Journal of Air Transport Management, Elsevier, vol. 13(2), pages 61-66.
- Sambracos, E. & Paravantis, J. A. & Tarantilis, C. D. & Kiranoudis, C. T., 2004. "Dispatching of small containers via coastal freight liners: The case of the Aegean Sea," European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier, vol. 152(2), pages 365-381, January.
- Evangelos Sambracos, 2004. “The Role of the Corinth Canal in the Development of the Southeastern European Short Sea Shipping” in C. Fokas “Transport Issues and Problems in Southeastern Europe” Ed. Ashgate, Dec. 2004 ISBN: 0754619702, Burlington USA, p. 114-135.
- Evangelos Sambracos & Harilaos Harissis, 2003. “Advanced Transport Telematics Systems and User Requirements: an approach based on the experience gained in the Port of Piraeus from the Euroscope Project”, The Cyprus Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 3, No 4, 2003, p. 29-39.
- Evangelos Sambracos, 2003, "Market analysis and pricing policies for sea canals: the case of the Greek Corinth Canal", Maritime Policy & Management, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 30(2), pages 175-190.
- Evangelos Sambracos, 2002. “Investment Evaluation of a Suburban Coastal Transport System” contribution in K. Zopounidis “New Trends in Banking Management”, Series “Contribution to Management Science”, ed. Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, New York, USA, ISBN 3-7908-1488-1, p. 292-305.
- Evangelos Sambracos & Irene Ramfou, 2001. “Shipment Tracking Technologies and Customer Satisfaction”, Operational Research, An International Journal, Hel.O.R.S., Vol.1, No1, January - April, pp. 43-55.
- Evangelos Sambracos & Joanna Tsiaparikou, 2001. "Sea-going labour and Greek owned fleet: a major aspect of fleet competitiveness," Maritime Policy & Management, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 28(1), pages 55-69.
- Evangelos Sambracos, 1999. "Transportation and Tourism: An Economic Quantitative Analysis," European Research Studies Journal, European Research Studies Journal, vol. 2(1-4), pages 69-82.
- ΑΛΛΕΣ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΕΙΣ (In other Scientific Journals - Publications)
- Sambracos E. and Maniati M., 2020, “The cost of modal shift: the case of Greece” in “Short Sea Shipping in the Age of Sustainable Development and Information Technology” by Tiago Santos and C. Guedes Soares, Ed. Routledge, pages 224-241.
- Skatzouri N, & Sambracos E., 2018. "Freight Rate Volatility and Vessels Size in Tankers’ Sector". MPRA Paper 97896, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Sambracos E., & Maniati M., 2015. "Analysis of Financial Crisis Results on Dry Bulk Market & Financing". MPRA Paper 68601, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Sambracos, Evangelos & Maniati, Marina, 2013. "Shipping Market Financing: Special Features & the Impact of Basel III" MPRA Paper 51573, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Sambracos E. “Sustainable Transports and Short Sea Shipping: toward a rational policy”, Volume of essays in Honour of Professor G. Giannopouos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2012, p.p. 226-232.
- Sambracos, Evangelos & Ramfou, Irene, 2010. "Assessing the role of goods transport in organizational performance," MPRA Paper 52204, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Sambracos E. and Maniati M. 2010. “The road freight sector in the European Union and Greece: towards a deregulated market framework”, Volume of essays in Honour of Professor J. Vartholomaios, University of Piraeus, p.p. 1003-1023
- Sambracos E. and Maniati M. 2012. “Environment and Accidents: towards a comparative analysis of road freight transport in Greece”, Volume of Essays in Honour of Professor S. Karvounis, University of Piraeus, p.p. 645-661.
- Sambracos, Evangelos & Ramfou, Irene, 2010. "Assessing the role of goods transport in organizational performance," MPRA Paper 52204, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Sambracos E. and Maniati M. 2010. “The road freight sector in the European Union and Greece: towards a deregulated market framework”, Volume of essays in Honour of Professor J. Vartholomaios, University of Piraeus, p.p. 1003-1023
- Sambracos, Evangelos, 2007. "The Development of Short Sea Shipping in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Towards a Rational E.U. Freight Transport Policy," MPRA Paper 52422, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Sambracos, Evangelos & Paravantis, John, 2006. "A comparative assessment of aggregate car ownership model estimation methodologies," MPRA Paper 52294, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Sambracos E., Liapis P. and Rigas K. 2005. «The European Experience in Organization and Financing Issues of Arid Coastal lines», Essays in Honour of Professor T. Skountzos, University of Piraeus.
- Sambracos, Evangelos & Harissis, Harilaos, 2003. "Advanced Transport Telematics Systems and user requirements: An approach based on the experience gained in the port of Piraeus from the EUROSCOPE Project," MPRA Paper 52228, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Alexopoulos, Aristotelis & Fournarakis, Nikolaos & Sambracos, Evangelos, 2002. "Using System Dynamics to Improve the Marine Manpower of the Passenger Industry in Management Decisions," MPRA Paper 52339, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Sambracos, Evangelos, 2002. "Le rôle possible du cabotage maritime dans le développement économique de l’Europe du Sud: vers une Organisation Polarisée? [The possible Role of the Coastal Shipping in the Economic Development of," MPRA Paper 52423, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Sambracos, Evangelos, 2002. "Investment Evaluation of a Suburban Coastal Transport System," MPRA Paper54900, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Sambracos, Evangelos, 2001. "The contribution of Coastal Shipping in the Regional Development of the Greek Islands. The Case of the Southern Aegean Region," MPRA Paper 52519, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Sambracos E. 2001. «Navigation and Regional Development» Review of Decentralization of Local Government and Regional Development, No. 14/2001.
- Sambracos, Evangelos & Katarelos, Eleftherios, 2000. "Decision Making Tool in Aviation Industry Considering Safety and Technologies Integration," MPRA Paper 52720, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Sambracos, Evangelos, 2000. "Exploring Operational problems of the goods supply chain in the Greek islands: Towards a reengineering of the system," MPRA Paper 54911, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Sambracos E. 1997. «The Qualitative Characteristics of the Passengers Shipping» Essays in Honour of Prof V.Ν. Metaxas, University of Piraeus, p.193-206.
- Sambracos E., Chlomoudis K. 1997. “The transport infrastructure in Greece and its role in Regional Development and European Integration” Review “Decentralization and Regional Development”, No. 7/1997, p. 63-73.
- Sambracos E. 1996. «Sea - River Transport, an Unknown Market for the Greek Companies» Crete University Press, «Management of SMEs» p. 269-275.
- Sambracos E. 1993. "Rail Transport in Greece and National Economy", “Technica Chronica” 3/93, Scientific Edition of the Hellenic Technical Chamber p. 46-48.
- Sambracos, Evangelos & Yannelis, Dimitris, 1993. "On Non-Tatonnement Processes," MPRA Paper 52125, University Library of Munich, Germany.
- Ε. Σαμπράκος «ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΗ ΤΩΝ ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΩΝ» Εκδόσεις Βαρβαρήγου, Πειραιάς 2018, σελ. 494.
- Ε. Σαμπράκος, Ι. Γιαννόπουλος «ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑΚΗ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΗ», εκδ Ευγενίδου, Αθήνα 2021, σελ. 89.
- Ε. Σαμπράκος, Ι. Γιαννόπουλος «ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΗ ΕΚΜΕΤΑΛΕΥΣΗ ΠΛΟΙΟΥ», εκδ Ευγενίδου, 2η έκδοση 2016 (1η έκδοση 2008).
- Ε. Σαμπράκος «Ο ΤΟΜΕΑΣ ΤΩΝ ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΟΙ ΣΥΝΔΥΑΣΜΕΝΕΣ ΕΜΠΟΡΕΥΜΑΤΙΚΕΣ ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΕΣ» εκδόσεις Α. Σταμούλης, Αθήνα 2009, σελ. 243 (1η έκδοση 2002).
- Α. Γουλιέλμος, Ε. Σαμπράκος «ΑΚΤΟΠΛΟΪΑ & ΝΑΥΤΙΛΙΑ ΜΙΚΡΩΝ ΑΠΟΣΤΑΣΕΩΝ» εκδόσεις Α. Σταμούλης, Αθήνα 2002, σ. 428.
- Ε. Σαμπράκος «ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ ΣΤΗΝ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΗ ΤΩΝ ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΩΝ» εκδόσεις Α. Σταμούλης, Αθήνα 2013, σελ. 397, 3η Έκδοση (1η έκδοση 1997)
- Ε. Sambracos "CHARBON ET NAVIGATION FLUVIALE EN FRANCE", LET - University of Lyon 2, in ETUDES ET RECHERCHES, Lyon 1985, σελ. 184.
Sambracos E. and Maniati M., 2020, “The cost of modal shift: the case of Greece” in “Short Sea Shipping in the Age of Sustainable Development and Information Technology” By Tiago A. Santos and C. Guedes Soares, Published by Routledge, 300 Pages
Evangelos Sambracos, 2004. “The Role of the Corinth Canal in the Development of the Southeastern European Short Sea Shipping” in C. Fokas “Transport Issues and Problems in Southeastern Europe” Ed. Ashgate, Dec. 2004 ISBN: 0754619702, Burlington USA, p. 114-135.
- Evangelos Sambracos, 2002. “Investment Evaluation of a Suburban Coastal Transport System” contribution in K. Zopounidis “New Trends in Banking Management”, Series “Contribution to Management Science”, ed. Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, New York, USA, ISBN 3-7908-1488-1, p. 292-305.