University of Piraeus
School of Economics, Business and  International Studies

         Dr. Yiannis G. Smirlis

   +30 2104142173

  • G. Koronakos, Y. Smirlis, S. Plitsos (2023),  Mathematical programming models to assist the evaluation of shipbrokers, Intelligent Decision Technologies - IOS Press, to appear
  • Y. Smirlis, G. Koronakos, S. Plitsos (2023). A mathematical model to select shipbrokers, International Conference on Operations Research, Management and Applications ICORMA in November 2023 Nicosia Cyprus
  • Y Smirlis, V  Tsioumas,  S  Papadimitriou, E  Tzannatos, (2023). An extreme value analysis of tanker freight rates. World Conference on Transport Research - WCTR 2023 Montreal 17-21 July 2023
  • G Koronakos, Y Smirlis, S Plitsos,,  E Tzannatos , Á Karalis, K Poutos, (2023)  OptiShip: A platform to support decisions during ship’s life cycle, 14th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA2023), 10–12 July 2023, Volos, Greece
  • OPTISHIP - OPTImization of Life Cycle in the SHIPping industry,General Secretariat for Research and Innovation, Action Research – Create – Innovate  ID 16971 (2022-2023)


Journal papers

  • G. Koronakos, Y. Smirlis, S. Plitsos (2023),  Mathematical programming models to assist the evaluation of shipbrokers, Intelligent Decision Technologies - IOS Press, to appear
  • Tsioumas V., Smirlis Y., Papadimitriou S. (2021). Capturing the impact of economic forces on the dry bulk freight market,Maritime Transport Research, Vol. 2, 2021, 100018.  PDF
  • Y. Smirlis (2020). A trichotomic segmentation approach for estimating composite indicators. Social Indicators Research. PDF
  • Y.Smirlis, M.Ioakimidis,  (2019).Evaluating the performance of  alternative blended learning designs using DEA, Review of Economic and Business studies, Vol. 12, Issue 2/2019, pp. 79-92. PDF
  • G.Koronakos, Y.Smirlis, D.Sotiros, D. Despotis, (2019), Assessment of OECD Better Life Index by incorporating public opinion, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, to apper,
  • Y. Smirlis, (2018) Classifying and Predicting Efficiencies Using  Interval DEA grid setting, International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 6. Doi 10.1999/1307-6892/10009165 PDF
  • Shaher Z. Zahran,Jobair Bin Alam,Abdulrahem H. Al-Zahrani,Yiannis Smirlis, Stratos Papadimitriou,Vangelis Tsioumas (2017). Analysis of port efficiency using imprecise and incomplete data. Operational Research International Journal,
  • V. Tsioumas, S. Papadimitriou, Y. Smirlis, SZ. Zahrana,(2017),  A Novel Approach to Forecasting the Bulk Freight Market,   The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics,  Vol. 33 Issue 1 pp. 33-41 DOI 10.1016/j.ajsl.2017.03.005
  • Shaher Z Zahran, Jobair Bin Alam, Abdulrahem H Al-Zahrani, Yiannis Smirlis, Stratos Papadimitriou and Vangelis Tsioumas (2015), Analysis of port authority efficiency using data envelopment analysis, Maritime Economics & Logistics advance online publication 5 November 2015; doi: 10.1057/mel.2015.33
  • Y. Smirlis, D. Despotis  (2013), Piecewise Linear Virtual Inputs/Outputs in Interval DEA, Int. J. of Operations Research and Information Systems, Vol. 4, Issue 1
  • Smirlis Y, Despotis D (2012), Relaxing the impact of extreme units in Data Envelopment Analysis , International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making Vol. 11, No 5 DOI: 10.1142/S0219622012500253.
  • M. Panta, Y. Smirlis, M. Sfakianakis (2011), Assessing bids of Greek public organizations service providers using data envelopment analysis, Operational Research: The International Journal, DOI 10.1007/s12351-01100108-4
  • Y. G. Smirlis, V. Zeimpekis and G. Kaimakamis (2010), Data envelopment analysis models to support the selection of vehicle routing software for city logistics operations, Operational Research: The International Journal, DOI 10.1007/s12351-010-0100-4
  •  Despotis DK, Stamati LV, Smirlis Y (2009). Data envelopment analysis with nonlinear virtual inputs and outputs. European Journal of Operational Research 202 PP. 604-613
  • Y. Smirlis, E. Maragos, D.Despotis, Imprecise DEA with missing values: An Interval DEA approach,  Applied Mathematics and Computation 177 (2006) pp. 1-10
  •  Y.Smirlis, M.Panta, G.Kaimakamis, M. Sfakianakis (2007), Assessment of bids for logistist services, Spoudai - University of Piraeus,  57 (3), 78-89. (in Greek)
  • D. Kokotos, Y. Smirlis (2005), A classification tree application to predict total ship loss,  Journal of Transportation and Statistics, Vol 8, No 2 Oct. 2005
  • J.Jablonsky,  P. Fiala, , Y.Smirlis, D.K.Despotis (2004) DEA with Interval Data:An illustration using the evaluation of branches of a Czech Bank, Central European Journal of Operational Research, Vol.12(4) 323-337 
  • Smirlis Y, Despotis DK, Jablonsky J and Fiala P (2014). Identifying “best-buys” in the market of prepaid mobile telephony: An application of imprecise DEA, International  Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, Vol.3  No 1
  • Despotis DK and Smirlis Y (2002). Data Envelopment Analysis with imprecise data. European Journal of Operational Research 140: 24-37

Conference proceedings - presentations
  • Y. Smirlis, G. Koronakos, S. Plitsos (2023). A mathematical model to select shipbrokers, International Conference on Operations Research, Management and Applications ICORMA in November 2023 Nicosia Cyprus
  • Y Smirlis, V  Tsioumas,  S  Papadimitriou, E  Tzannatos, (2023). An extreme value analysis of tanker freight rates. World Conference on Transport Research - WCTR 2023 Montreal 17-21 July 2023
  • G Koronakos, Y Smirlis, S Plitsos,,  E Tzannatos , Á Karalis, K Poutos, (2023)  OptiShip: A platform to support decisions during ship’s life cycle, 14th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications (IISA2023), 10–12 July 2023, Volos, Greece
  • Smirlis Y., Tsioumas V., Papadimitriou S., Lyridis D. (2021). Constructing a new composite indicator for the economic environment of the tanker market, 29th Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economics, Rotterdam November 2021
  • Y. Smiris, M Bonazountas (2020). A composite indicators approach to assisting decisions in ship LCA/ LCC.9th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems -ICORES 2020 conference proceedings, Malta 22-24 February 2020 PDF
  • Dimitris Sotiros, Gregory Koronakos, Yiannis Smirlis, Dimitris Despotis, Review and Improvements on OECD Better Life Index, DEA 40 International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, Aston UK, April 16-18 2018
  • V. Tsioumas, S. Papadimitriou, Y. Smirlis, Forecasting the Baltic Dry Index: An enhanced multivariate approach,Annual conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists-IAME, Hamburg  August 23-26 2016.
  •  E. Thanassoulis, D. Despotis, D-G. Sotiros, Y. Smirlis, G. Karagiannis (2014), Assessing university research output from different perspectives, 20th  IFORS 2014 conference, Barchelona, 13-18 July 2014
  • E. Thanassoulis, D. Sotiros, D.K. Despotis, Y. Smirlis (2014),  Assessing research productivity in terms of endogeneity or exogeneity of academic salaries. Efficiency in Education Conference, London September 19-20
  • D. Sotiros, D.K. Despotis, G. Koronakos, Y. Smirlis, (2013), Incorporating user preferences in DEA with Ordinal Regression, XI Balcan Conference on Operational Research (BALCOR 2013), Belgrade, Sept. 2013
  • Y. Smirlis, D.K. Despotis (2013), Comparative analysis of the public funding for Greek Universities: An ordinal DEA/MCDM approach,  International Conference on Data Analysis and Decision Making (ICDADM 2013), Venice Italy, Aug 15-16, 2013
  • Y. Smirlis , D. Sotiros, D. Despotis, G. Koronakos (2013), Evaluation of research activity in higher education: A Data Envelopment Analysis approach, 24th National Conference on Operational Research, Athens, Greece, Sept. 26-28, 2013
  • Despotis DK, Smirlis Y (2010). Reducing the effect of outliers on DEA efficiency assessments. 4th Symposium on Data Envelopment Analysis, Jiaosi, Taiwan.
  • Despotis DK, Smirlis Y (2010). Handling Extreme Observations in Data Envelopment Analysis. The International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Sciences and Operations Management. Beer  Sheva, Israel.
  • Smirlis Y, Despotis DK), 2010) Piecewise linear virtual inputs/outputs in Interval DEA, 24th European Conference on Operational Research, Lisbon 11-14 July 2010
  • Smirlis Y, Stamati LV, Despotis DK (2009). Reducing the size of large scale Data Envelopment Analysis problems using Interval DEA . 23rd European Conference on Operational Research -EURO 2009, Bonn, Germany
  • Stamati LV, Despotis DK, Smirlis Y (2009). Data envelopment analysis with nonlinear virtual inputs and outputs. 23rd European Conference on Operational Research -EURO 2009, Bonn, Germany.
  • Y Smirlis,  Marilou Ioakimidis, Evaluating alternative instructional designs for blended learning programs, 2nd International Conference on Educational Economics-2ICEE, Athens 27-30 August
  • Y Smirlis, Dimitris Tsimaras, Modeling the cost of blended distance Learning Training programs for the public sector, 2nd International Conference on Educational Economics-2ICEE, Athens 27-30 August
  •  J.Hassid, Y.Smirlis, M.Ioakimidis, Analysing costs of educational services for universities and e-universities: The student point of view,  International Conference EDUCATIONAL ECONOMICS, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Tartu, 26-28 Tartu, Estonia
  • D Kallindromitou, M Bonazountas, Y Smirlis (2005), A model for the assessment of environmental sustainability at regional level,   HELECO 05,  Athens 3-6/2/2005
  • M.Bonazountas, Y.Smirlis, D.Kallidromitou, Assessing Sustainability of EU Regions : The case of the EPSILON tool, ENVIROINFO 2004-18o International Conference informatics for Environmental Protection, 21-23 October 2004
  •  D.Kallidromitou, Y.Smirlis, M.Bonazountas, Assessing Regional Sustainability in Greece, International Conference of the PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT VII, Mykonos, Greece 2004
  • Despotis DK and Smirlis Y (2002). Global efficiency scores in interval data envelopment analysis. IFORS 2002 Conference- OR in a globalized world economy, Edinburgh, UK
  • Jablonsky J, Fiala P, Despotis DK and Smirlis J (2001). Simulation Experiments with Interval DEA models : Multicriteria Evaluation of Bank Branches. MCDM Conference, Cairo, Egypt
  • Despotis DK, Smirlis Y, Jablonsky J and Fiala P (2001). Imprecise DEA: Detecting best-buys in the market of prepaid mobile telephony in Greece. MCDM Conference, Cairo, Egypt
  •  Despotis DK., Smirlis Y, (2001), Data Envelopment Analysis with Imprecise Data, 53rd Meeting of the European Working Group Multicriteria Aid for Decisions, Athens, March 29-30
  •  Despotis DK and Smirlis Y (2001). Interval data envelopment analysis: Models and new application areas. ORBEL-15 Conference, Antwerp, Belgium
  •  D. Ginis, D. Kokotos, Y. Smirlis, A study of relating students' grades in high school and in University, Proceedings of the 130th National Conference of Statistics, Florina 2000, Greece,  pp. 153-161
  •  Despotis DK and Smirlis Y. Data Envelopment analysis with spreadsheets. EURO XVII Conference on Operational Research, Budapest, Hungary
  • Fiala P, Jablonsky J, Smirlis Y and Despotis DK (2000). DEA with interval data: An application to the evaluation of branches of a Czech bank. IFORS Special Conference: New trends in Banking Management  10, Athens, Greece
  • Smirlis Y, Georgiakodis F and Despotis DK (1999). Supporting product selection on the Web: A basis for consumer preference analysis. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, Athens, Greece, p.p. 373-375
  •  Y. Smirlis, F. Georgiakodis, D. Despotis (1999), Ranking products on qualitative attributes using binary, Proceedings of the 120th National Conference of Statistics, Hellenic Statistical Institute, Spetses,  15-18 June 1999, pp.  507-515
  •  Y. Smirlis, F. Georgiakodis, D. Despotis (1999), Analysing the differences in qualitative product characteristics : An application to the car market, Proceedings of the 11th National Conference of Greek Operational Research Society -EEEE, Athens, May 1997, pp.  630-640
  •  Alexandris N, Smirlis Y and Despotis DK (1999). Virtual opinion leader: A web based application to support product selection and analyze consumer preferences. IFORS-15 Conference, Beijing, China
  • Lygeri P.Soubassi, Constantina Aggeli, Ioannis Smirlis, Eirene Grapsa, Ghristos Pitsavos, Christodoulos Stefanadis, Pavios Soubassis, Pavlos Toutouzas, Nicholaos Zerefos, Renal Unit, Alexandra Hospital, Dept of  Cardiology, Univ. of Athens, Greece.  Alterations of aortic   distensibility in young patients vs. older with chronic renal failure after hemodialysis, American Journal of  Kidney Diseases, Book of Abstracts, Vol. 33, No. 4, April  1999
  •  Y. Smirlis, F. Georgiakodis, D. Despotis (1997, Market analysis for the design new products, Proceedings of the 100th National Conference of Statistics, Hellenic Statistical Institute, Athens 1997, pp.   609-623
  •  Triantafilidis, Y. Smirlis, et al. Risk of upper g.i. bleeding among ex-smokers, II United European Gastroenterology Week, Barchelona 19-24 Jully 1993
  • A.Emmanouilidis, Y. Triantafilidis, Y. Smirlis, B.Dimou,  Polypus of the large entestine: analysis of clinical data for 334 patients, 13o Greek Gastroenterology Conference, Rhodes,  13-17 October 1993
  •  A.Emmanouilidis, Y. Triantafilidis, Y. Smirlis, B.Dimou,  Alterated Polypus of the large entestine: analysis of clinical data for 24 patients, 13o Greek Gastroenterology Conference, Rhodes,  13-17 October 1993


  • Y. Smirlis, A.Salis (2022)  A comparative study of the purchasing power of civil servants in Greece and the EU countries 2016-2020 update, Koinoniko Polykentro -research and training institute of the Greek Civil Service Confederation (ADEDY) (research monograph in Greek), December 2022, PDF
  • Y. Smirlis, A.Salis (2018)  A comparative study of the purchasing power of civil servants in Greece and the EU countries,   Koinoniko Polykentro -research and training institute of the Greek Civil Service Confederation (ADEDY) (research monograph in Greek), December 2018, PDF

Book chapters

  • G. Koronakos, Y. Smirlis, D. Sotiros, and DK. Despotis (2021), "The OECD Better Life Index: A guide for well-being based economic diplomacy". In: “Modern Indices for International Economic Diplomacy” (Eds. V. Charles and A. Emrouznejad). Palgrave Publishers Ltd (Springer International Publishing AG), UK
  • D. Sotiros, Y. Smirlis, D. Despotis, Incorporating intra- and inter-input/output weight restrictions in piecewise linear DEA: an application to the assessment of the research activity in Higher Education, Book chapter in Managing Service Productivity, series: International Series in Operations Research & Management Science,  Vol. 215 Emrouznejad, Ali, Cabanda, Emilyn (Eds.), 2014 - Springer
  •  Dimitris K. Despotis, Yannis G. Smirlis, Josef Jablonsky und Petr Fiala, Bewertung von Prepaid-Paketen nach dem Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis: Ein DEA-Ansatz  klassierte Daten, MARKETING-EFFIZIENZ Messung und Steuerung mit de DEA  Konzept und Einsatz in der Praxis, Hans H. Bauer / Matithias Staat Maik Hammerschmidt (Hrsg.), 2006 Verlang Franz Vahlen GmbH, ISBN-13 978-3-8006-3285-5 p. 247-259
  • Ioakimides M., Smirlis Y. Hassid J, (2007), Analysing costs of educational services for universities and e-universities: A further analysis on the student point of view Advances in the Economics of Education: On Markets and Post-Transformation Issues.¼rgen Backhaus, Raul Eamets, J¼ri Sepp (eds.)  Lit Verlag ¼nster
  • Y. Smirlis, (2006), Reducing the size of DEA problems, University of Piraeus, Hononary scientific Journal  for Prof. A. Panagiotopoulos, Vol. B, p. 977-986,  2006
  • Y. Smirlis, Product selection on the Web : a DSS system for recording and analyzing consumer preferences, Honorary volume dedicated to M. Raphael Vol. I, University of Piraeus, 2000 (in Greek)


  • Performance Measurement, Composite Indicators
  • Data Envelopment Analysis
  • Imprecise Data
  • Statistics, Quantitative Methods
  • Multi-Criteria Decision Making
  • Mathematical Programming


  • European Journal of Operational Research 
  •  Operations Research
  •  Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research
  •  Social Indicators Research
  •  Applied Mathematics and Computation
  •  Operational Research International Journal
  • Central Europe Journal of Operational Research


  • Business Analytics, dept. of Economics, University of Piraeus
  • HealthCare Analytics, dept. of Economics, University of Piraeus
  • New Technologies in Tourism, dept. of Touristic Studies, University of Piraeus
  • Statistics, dept. of Economics, University of Piraeus
  • Quantitative Methods and Decision Making , National School of Public Administration
  •  Information Systems and E-Business - Postgraduate Course "ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS STRATEGY", Dept. of Economics, University of Piraeus
  •  Information Systems  - Postgraduate Course "HEALTH MANAGEMENT", Dept. of Economics, University of Piraeus
  • Operational Research - Graduate course,  Dept. of Logistics, Technological Educational Institute of Chalkida
  •  Introduction to Information Systems, - Graduate course, Dept. of Economics, University of Piraeus
  • Information Systems,- Graduate course, Dept. of Statistics, University of Piraeus
  • Numerical Analysis, - Graduate course, Dept. of Statistics, University of Piraeus
  • Quantitative methods,Decision Making, Statistics, Spreadsheets, Information Systems, E-Goverment  in seminars of National Center of Public Administration


  • OPTISHIP - OPTImization of Life Cycle in the SHIPping industry,General Secretariat for Research and Innovation, Action Research – Create – Innovate  ID 16971 (2022-2023)
  • EU / EMFF project 63565 — Holistic Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) Platform for the Shipping Industry ( , November 2019-March 2021
  • Action to Support Tourism Planning and Policy, Forecasting models in Tourism, 2016-2017
  • DESIGN+STEM, Erasmus +, EU Project R: 2016-1-EE01-KA202-017347
  • Methodological expansions of DEA and application in the evaluation of Greek Universities -THALES funding program - Operational Program "Education and Lifelong Learning" of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), 2012-2015
  • ERMEION  Lifelong learning Program- Development of an e-learning course, National Federation of Greek Commerce, 2008
  • Entrepreneurship development program for Technical Education Schools- University of Piraeus Research Center, 2003-2004
  • Research project for modelling the sustainability of Greece at regional level  Application of the Dashboard for Sustainability, 2003, National Technical University of Athens
  • EPSILON (Environmental Policy via Sustainability Indicators On a European-wide at NUTS III level)  EU RTD-IST project - EC Contract No IST-2001-32389 - National Technical University of Athens
  • Design and implementation of a data base application for recording and presenting European Environmental Law (, 2002, National Technical University of Athens
  • Information system design for the Bulgarian Export Organization - Program FARE, A. Tsatsos Foundation, 1999
  • Survey  "Information Technology Demand and Assessment in Greece, Israel, Portugal and Turkey", 1995-1996,   Databank Consulting  Teknibank, Milano, Italy
  • ELFIBANK : A  LEONARDO DA VINCI PROGRAMME to develop a  multimedia tool for teaching English Banking terminology, Labor Institute of Hellenic Federation of Bank Employees Unions, 1997-1999
  • Design and Implementation of DEDALOS “ A Museum Information System  Archaeological Institute of Crete, Museum of Cretan Ethnology Ministry of Culture, 1995-1997
  • Emerging Entrepreneurs in Bulgaria and Romania", The Phare ACE Project 1994  94 615 R,   University of Piraeus Research Center
  • AMMENA Program for the SMEs of the Aegean Islands, University of Piraeus Research Center, 1989


Methods and Applications in Operational Research

Y. Smirlis, G. Kaimakamis, M. Panda,
2010,ISBN 978-960-93-1921-8 (in Greek)
distributed by

Desktop Publishing Ap
Y. Smir
lis, 1991 ISBN 960-7140-17-6

  • Phd in Operational Research/Data analysis, Dept of Statistics and Insurance Science,  University of Piraeus, 2002
  • PostGraduate Diploma in Computer Science, Birkbeck College, University of London, 1981
  •  BSC in Mathematics, University of Athens, 1980
  • Attended seminars in  Information Science, Public Administration, e-Government
  •  Adult training official certification

  • Current position              Senior Teaching Fellow - School of Economics, Business and  International Studies, University of Piraeus
  • 2007-2016                          Director of IT and Infrastructure dept., University of Piraeus
  • 2005-2007                          Director Institute of Training, National Center of Public Administration (EKDD)
  • 2004-2005                         Director of IT and Infrastructure dept., University of Piraeus
  • 1983-2004                         IT Manager, University of Piraeus