GUEST EDITORSHIP [1] G.A. Tsihrintzis and L.C. Jain (Eds.), Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments -- Advanced Tools and Methodologies, Studies in Computational Intelligence Book Series, Volume 120, Springer 2008 [2] L.C. Jain, M. Sato-Ilic, M. Virvou, G.A. Tsihrintzis, V.E. Balas, and C. Abeynayake (Eds.), Computational Intelligence Paradigms-Innovative Applications, Studies in Computational Intelligence Book Series, Volume 137, Springer 2008 [3] G.A. Tsihrintzis, M. Virvou, R.J. Howlett, and L.C. Jain (Eds.), New Directions in Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services, Studies in Computational Intelligence Book Series, Volume 142, Springer 2008 [4] G.A. Tsihrintzis and L.C. Jain (Eds.), Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments -- Integrated Systems, Studies in Computational Intelligence Book Series, Springer 2010 [5] G.A. Tsihrintzis, M. Virvou, and L.C. Jain (Eds.), Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments -- Software Development Challenges and Solutions, Studies in Computational Intelligence Book Series, Springer 2010 [6] M. Virvou, E. Damiani, G.A. Tsihrintzis, R.J. Howlett, and L.C. Jain (Eds.), New Directions in Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services-3, Studies in Computational Intelligence Book Series, Springer 2010 [7] G.A. Tsihrintzis, M. Virvou, and L.C. Jain (Eds.), Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments – Recommendation Services, Studies in Computational Intelligence Book Series, Springer 2011 REFEREED BOOK CHAPTERS [1] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Alpha-Stable Impulsive Interference: Canonical Statistical Models and Design and Analysis of Maximum Likelihood and Moment-Based Signal Detection Algorithms, in: C.T. Leondes (ed.), Control and Dynamic Systems: Advances in Theory and Applications, Volume 78, San Diego, CA: Academic Press, Inc., 1996, pp.341-388. [2] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.J. Devaney, Maximum Likelihood Methods in Inverse Scattering and Diffraction Tomography, in: C.T. Leondes (ed.), Medical Imaging Techniques and Applications: Computational Techniques, Volume 6, Newark, NJ: Gordon and Breach Publishers, Inc., 1998, pp.43-126. [3] G.A. Tsihrintzis, Statistical Modeling and Receiver Design for Multi-User Communication Networks, in: R. Adler, R. Feldman, and M. Taqqu (eds.), A Practical Guide to Heavy Tails: Statistical Techniques for Analyzing Heavy-Tailed Distributions, Birkhauser, 1998, pp.405-431. [4] G.A. Tsihrintzis, Radar Applications, in: J.G. Webster (ed.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Volume 17, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publishers, 1999, pp.572-580. [5] G.A. Tsihrintzis and K.G. Girtis, Overview of Wave Probe-Based High-Resolution Subsurface Sensing, Imaging, and Vision, in: I.P. Vlahavas and C.D. Spyropoulos (eds.), Methods and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 2308, Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2002, pp.378-389. [6] G.A. Tsihrintzis, Radar Applications, in: Kai Chang (ed.), Wiley Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering, Volume 5, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Publishers, 2004, pp. 4018-4030. [7] M. Virvou, A.S. Lampropoulos, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, INMA: A Knowledge-Based Authoring Tool for Music Education, in Bogdan Gabrys, Robert J. Howlett, and Lakhmi C. Jain (Eds.) 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, LNAI-Volume 4251, pp. 376-383, 2006 [8] P.S. Lampropoulou, A.S. Lampropoulos, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, ALIMOS: A Middleware System for Accessing Digital Music Libraries in Mobile Services, in Bogdan Gabrys, Robert J. Howlett, and Lakhmi C. Jain (Eds.) 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, LNAI-Volume 4251, pp. 384-391, 2006 [9] D.N. Sotiropoulos, G.A. Tsihrintzis, A. Savvopoulos, and M. Virvou, Artificial Immune System-based Customer Data Clustering in an e-Shopping Application, in Bogdan Gabrys, Robert J. Howlett, and Lakhmi C. Jain (Eds.) 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, LNAI-Volume 4251, pp. 960-967, 2006 [10] I.-O. Stathopoulou and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Facial Expression Classification: Specifying Requirements for an Automated System, in Bogdan Gabrys, Robert J. Howlett, and Lakhmi C. Jain (Eds.) 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, LNAI-Volume 4252, pp. 1128-1135, 2006 [11] K. Kabassi, M. Virvou, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Hybrid Intelligent Medical Tutor for Atheromatosis, in Bogdan Gabrys, Robert J. Howlett, and Lakhmi C. Jain (Eds.) 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, LNAI-Volume 4252, pp. 1289-1296, 2006 [12] M. Virvou, A. Savvopoulos, G.A. Tsihrintzis, and D.N. Sotiropoulos, Constructing Stereotypes for an Adaptive e-Shop using AIN-based Clustering, in B. Beliczynski et al. (Eds.): 8th International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Systems, LNCS-Volume 4431, pp. 837–845, 2007 [13] I.-O. Stathopoulou and G.A. Tsihrintzis, NEU-FACES: A Neural Network-based Face Image Analysis System, in B. Beliczynski et al. (Eds.): 8th International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Systems, LNCS-Volume 4432, pp. 449-456, 2007 [14] D.N. Sotiropoulos, A.S. Lampropoulos, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Evaluation of Modeling Music Similarity Perception via Feature Subset Selection, in 11th International Conference on User Modelling, LNAI-Volume 4511, pp. 298-307, 2007 [15] M. Virvou, G.A. Tsihrintzis, E. Alepis, I.-O. Stathopoulou, and K. Kabassi, Combining Empirical Studies of Audio-Lingual and Visual-Facial Modalities for Emotion Recognition, 11th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, September 12-14, 2007 [16] I.-O. Stathopoulou and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Automated Processing and Classification of Face Images for Human-Computer Interaction Applications, in: M. Virvou and L. Jain (Eds.), Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. SCI- 104: Intelligent Interactive Systems in Knowledge-based Environments, Springer, 2008 [17] D.N. Sotiropoulos, A.S. Lampropoulos and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Individualization of Content-based Image Retrieval Systems via Objective Feature Subset Selection, in: G.A. Tsihrintzis and L. Jain (Eds.), Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. SCI- 120: Multimedia Services in Intelligent Environments, Springer, 2008 [18] K. Kabassi, M. Virvou, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, User Modelling Sharing for Adaptive e-Learning and Intelligent Help, in: Gulden Uchyigit and Matthew Y. Ma (Eds.) Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence, World Scientific Publishing, to appear in summer 2008 [19] I.-O. Stathopoulou and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Recent Developments in Automated Inferencing of Emotional State from Face Images, in: Joaquim Filipe, Boris Shishkiv, and Markus Helfert, (Eds.), Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, 2008 (invited chapter, ranked in the top 20% of the papers accepted in ICSOFT2007) [20] G. A. Tsihrintzis, M. Virvou, D.N. Sotiropoulos, and A. Savvopoulos, Immune System-based Customer Data Clustering Techniques in an e-Shopping Application, in Kazumi Nakamatsu and Lakhmi C. Jain (Eds.), Handbook on Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, World Scientific, 2009 REFEREED INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL PAPERS [1] K.T. Ladas and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Contour Reconstruction in Diffraction Tomography, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology: Special Issue on Inverse Scattering, vol. 2, pp. 127-133, 1991. [2] A.J. Devaney and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Object Location in Diffraction Tomography, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. SP-39, pp. 672-682, 1991. [3] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.J. Devaney, Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Object Location in Diffraction Tomography. Part II: Strongly Scattering Objects, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. SP-39, pp. 1466-1470, 1991. [4] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.J. Devaney, Estimation of Object Location from Diffraction Tomographic Intensity Data, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. SP-39, pp. 2136-2140, 1991. [5] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.J. Devaney, Stochastic Diffraction Tomography: Theory and Computer Simulation, Signal Processing, vol. 30, pp. 49-64, 1993. [6] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.J. Devaney, Application of a Maximum Likelihood Estimator in an Experimental Study in Ultrasonic Diffraction Tomography, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. MI-12, pp. 545-554, 1993. [7] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.J. Devaney, Stochastic Geophysical Diffraction Tomography, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. 5, pp. 239-242, 1994. [8] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, On the Detection of Impulsive Stochastic Transients, Signal Processing, vol. 41, pp. 175-190, 1995. [9] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Performance of Optimum and Suboptimum Receivers in the Presence of Impulsive Noise Modeled as an Alpha-Stable Process, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. COM-43, pp. 904-914, 1995. [10] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Incoherent Receivers in Alpha-Stable Impulsive Noise, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. SP-43, pp. 2225-2229, 1995. [11] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Exact Maximum Likelihood Identification of MA(1) Systems Driven by Cauchy Noise of Unknown Dispersion, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. SPL-2, pp. 224-226, 1995. [12] G.A. Tsihrintzis, M. Shao, and C.L. Nikias, Recent Results in Applications and Processing of Alpha-Stable-Distributed Time Series, Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 333B, pp. 467-497, 1996. [13] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Fast Estimation of the Parameters of Alpha-Stable Impulsive Interference, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. SP-44, pp. 1492-1503, 1996. [14] S. Heidari, G.A. Tsihrintzis, C.L. Nikias, and E. Jonckheere, Self-Similar Set Identification in the Time-Scale Domain, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. SP-44, pp. 1568-1573, 1996. [15] G.A. Tsihrintzis, U. Tureli, and C.L. Nikias, Fractional, Lower-Order Statistics-Based Ambiguity Functions for Differential Delay-Doppler Estimation, IEE Proceedings - F: Radar, Sonar, and Navigation, vol. 143, pp. 358-365, 1996. [16] N. Nandhakumar, J. Michel, D.G. Arnold, G.A. Tsihrintzis, and V. Velten, A Robust Thermophysics-Based Interpretation of Radiometrically Uncalibrated IR Images for ATR and Site Change Detection, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing: Special Issue on Automatic Target Recognition, vol. IP-6, pp. 65-78, 1997. [17] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Evaluation of Fractional, Lower-Order Statistics-Based Detection Algorithms on Real Radar Sea-Clutter Data, IEE Proceedings - F: Radar, Sonar, and Navigation, vol. 144, pp. 29-37, 1997. [18] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Data-Adaptive Algorithms for Signal Detection in Sub-Gaussian Impulsive Interference, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. SP-45, pp. 1873-1878, 1997. [19] G.A. Tsihrintzis, A.J. Devaney, and E. Heyman, Estimation of Object Location from Wideband Scattering Data, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. IP-8, pp. 996-1001, 1999. [20] R. Kapoor, A. Banerjee, G.A. Tsihrintzis, and N. Nandhakumar, Detection of Targets in Heavy-Tailed Foliage Clutter Using an Ultra-WideBand (UWB) Radar and Alpha-Stable Clutter Models, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. AES-35, pp. 819-834, 1999. [21] G.A. Tsihrintzis, P.M. Johansen, and A.J. Devaney, Buried Object Detection and Location Estimation from Electromagnetic Field Measurements, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. AP-47, pp. 1742-1744, 1999. [22] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.J. Devaney, A Volterra Series Approach to Nonlinear Traveltime Tomography, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing: Special Issue on Computational Wave Issues in Remote Sensing, Imaging and Target Identification, Propagation, and Inverse Scattering, vol. GRS-38, pp. 1733-1742, 2000. [23] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.J. Devaney, Higher-Order (Nonlinear) Diffraction Tomography: Inversion of the Rytov Series, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory: Special Issue on Information-Theoretic Imaging, vol. IT-46, pp. 1748-1761, 2000. [24] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.J. Devaney, Higher-Order (Nonlinear) Diffraction Tomography: Reconstruction Algorithms and Computer Simulation, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. IP-9, pp. 1560-1572, 2000. [25] K. Girtis and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Diffraction Tomographic Imaging Algorithms -- I: Data Models and Inversion, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, vol. 5, pp. 157-178, 2002 [26] K. Girtis and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Diffraction Tomographic Imaging Algorithms -- II: Random Data Inversion and Super-Resolution, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, vol. 5, pp. 281-301, 2002 [27] K. Girtis, G.A. Tsihrintzis, and N.A. Alexandris, Diffraction Tomography of Periodically Time-Varying Scatterers, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 7, pp. 71-86, 2003 [28] K. Girtis and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Diffraction Tomographic Imaging Algorithms -- III: Angularly Limited Data, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, vol. 7, pp. 133-159, Aug. 2004 [29] K. Kabassi, M. Virvou and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Web Services User Model Server Performing Decision Making, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 21, pp. 245-264, 2007 [30] D.N. Sotiropoulos, A.S. Lampropoulos, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, MUSIPER: a system for modeling music similarity perception based on objective feature subset selection, User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, vol. 18, pp. 315-348, 2008 [31] K. Kabassi, M. Virvou, G.A. Tsihrintzis, Y. Vlachos, and D. Perrea, Specifying the Personalisation Reasoning Mechanism for a Medical Intelligent Tutoring System on Atheromatosis: An Empirical Study, Intelligent Decision Technologies (IOS Press), vol. 2, pp. 179-190, 2008 [32] P.S. Lampropoulou, A.S. Lampropoulos, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Intelligent Mobile Content-based Retrieval from Digital Music Libraries, Intelligent Decision Technologies (IOS Press), vol. 3, pp. 123-138, 2009 [33] I.-O. Stathopoulou, E. Alepis, G.A. Tsihrintzis, and M. Virvou, On Assisting a Visual-Facial Affect Recognition System with Keyboard-Stroke Pattern Information, Knowledge-based Systems, Elsevier, 2009 [34] I.-O. Stathopoulou and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Appearance - based Face Detection with Artificial Neural Networks, Intelligent Decision Technologies (IOS Press), 2009 [35] P.S. Lampropoulou, A.S. Lampropoulos, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Music Genre Classification based on Ensemble of Signals produced by Source Separation Methods, Intelligent Decision Technologies (IOS Press), 2010 [36] K. Kabassi, M. Virvou, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Combining Rule-based Reasoning with Multi-Criteria Decision Making in the Context of Adaptive Tutoring for Health Issues, Intelligent Decision Technologies (IOS Press), 2009
PAPERS IN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS[1] S.G. Tzafestas and G.A. Tsihrintzis, ROBBAS: An Expert System for Robot Selection, Proceedings of the First IMACS/IFORS Colloquium on Managerial Decision Support Systems and Knowledge-Based Systems, Manchester, United Kingdom, November 23-25, 1987, pp. 9. [2] A.J. Devaney and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Estimation of Object Location in Diffraction Tomography, Program and Abstracts of the 1988 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium and URSI Radio Science Meeting, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, June 6-10, 1988, p. 31. [3] K.T. Ladas, G.A. Tsihrintzis, and M.H. Maleki, Contour Reconstruction in Computer-Aided Holography, Technical Digest of the 1990 Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America, Boston, Massachusetts, November 4-9, 1990, p. 37. [4] G.A. Tsihrintzis, A.J. Devaney, and M.H. Maleki, Estimation of Object Location in Optical Scattering Experiments, Technical Digest of the 1990 Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America, Boston, Massachusetts, November 4-9, 1990, p. 174. [5] K.T. Ladas and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Nondestructive Evaluation of Flaws in Materials using Diffraction Tomographic Techniques, Program and Abstracts of the 1990 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November 26-December 1, 1990, p. 641. [6] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.J. Devaney, The Wiener Filter for Diffraction Tomographic Imaging from Noisy Data, Program and Abstracts of the 1990 Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November 26-December 1, 1990, p. 641. [7] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.J. Devaney, Signal Processing of Ultrasonic Diffraction Tomographic Data, Proceedings of the Conference on Inverse Problems in Scattering and Imaging of the 1992 SPIE International Symposium on Optical Applied Science and Engineering, San Diego, California, July 19-24, 1992, pp. 250-259. [8] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Performance of Optimum and Suboptimum Receivers in the Presence of Impulsive Noise Modeled as an Alpha-Stable Process, MILCOM ‘93, Bedford, Massachusetts, October 11-14, 1993, pp. 658-662. [9] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Signal Detection and Classification in Impulsive Noise Modeled as an Alpha-Stable Process, Twenty-Seventh Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, November 1-3, 1993, pp. 707-710. [10] S. Heidari, G.A. Tsihrintzis, C.L. Nikias, and E. Jonckheere, Self-Similar Set Identification in the Time-Scale Domain, Conference on Mathematical Imaging: Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing II of the 1994 SPIE International Symposium on Optical Applied Science and Engineering, San Diego, California, July 27-29, 1994. [11] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, On the Detection of Impulsive Stochastic Transients over Background Noise, MILCOM ‘94, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, October 2-5, 1994, pp. 37-41. [12] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Signal Detection in Incompletely Characterized Impulsive Noise Modeled as a Stable Process, MILCOM ‘94, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, October 2-5, 1994, pp. 271-275. [13] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Robust Signal Processing with Alpha-Stable Distributions, CISS ‘95, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, March 22-24, 1995, pp. 238-242. [14] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Robust Signal Detection and Pattern Classification Using Fractional, Lower-Order Statistics: Application to Radar, MD/DC Chapter of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Signal Processing Workshop, Washington, DC, March 24-25, 1995. [15] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Estimation of the Parameters of Impulsive Interference using Extreme Value Theory, ICASSP’95, Detroit, MI, May 8-12, 1995, pp. 1840-1843. [16] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Modeling, Parameter Estimation, and Signal Detection in Radar Clutter using Alpha-Stable Distributions, 1995 IEEE NSIP Workshop, Neos Marmaras, Halkidiki, Greece, June 20-22, 1995. [17] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Robust Signal Detection Based on Fractional Lower-order Statistics, 1995 IEEE NSIP Workshop, Neos Marmaras, Halkidiki, Greece, June 20-22, 1995. [18] N. Nandhakumar, D.G. Arnold, J. Michel, V. Velten, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Site Change Detection for RADIUS Using Thermophysical Affine Invariant Features, 24th AIPR Workshop, pp. 122-133, Washington, DC, October 11-13, 1995. [19] N. Nandhakumar, J.D. Michel, D.G. Arnold, G.A. Tsihrintzis, and V. Velten, Site Change Detection and Object Recognition Using Thermophysical Affine Invariants from Infrared Imagery, SPIE Photonics East ‘95, Philadelphia, PA, Oct. 23, 1995. [20] G.A. Tsihrintzis, P. Tsakalides, and C.L. Nikias, Signal Detection in Severely Heavy-Tailed Clutter, Twenty-Nineth Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, October 29-November 1, 1995. [21] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Robust Change-Point Detection and Segmentation in Data Streams, MILCOM’95, San Diego, CA, November 6-8, 1995. [22] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Incoherent Receivers in Alpha-Stable Impulsive Noise, MILCOM’95, San Diego, CA, November 6-8, 1995. [23] D.G. Arnold, J.D. Michel, N. Nandhakumar, G.A. Tsihrintzis, and V. Velten, Robust Thermophysics-based Interpretation of Radiometrically Uncalibrated IR Images for ATR and Site Change Detection, Proceedings of the ARPA Image Understanding Workshop, pp. 943-960, February, 1996. [24] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Sub-Gaussian Random Processes: Definitions, Key Results, and Applications in Signal Detection,CISS’96, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, March 20-22, 1996. [25] G.A. Tsihrintzis and C.L. Nikias, Data-Adaptive Algorithms for Signal Detection in Impulsive Noise Modeled as a Sub-Gaussian, Alpha-Stable Process, 1996 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing, Corfu, Greece, June 20-22, 1996. [26] G.A. Tsihrintzis, Diversity Reception in Alpha-Stable Impulsive Interference, MILCOM’96, McLean, VA, October 21-24, 1996. [27] G.A. Tsihrintzis, Non-Gaussian Modeling and Adaptive Mitigation of Multi-User Interference in Wireless, Multiple Access Networks, IASTED SIP’96, pp. 64-68, Orlando, FL, November 11-14, 1996, invited paper. [28] R. Kapoor, G.A. Tsihrintzis, and N. Nandhakumar, Detection of Targets in Heavy-Tailed Foliage Clutter Using an Ultra-WideBand Radar and Alpha-Stable Clutter Models, Asilomar ‘96, Pacific Grove, CA, November 3-6, 1996. [29] G.A. Tsihrintzis, P. Tsakalides, and C.L. Nikias, Fractional-Power Spectrum of Stationary Harmonizable Alpha-Stable Random Processes and its Estimation, CISS’97, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, March 19-21, 1997, invited paper. [30] R. Kapoor, G.A. Tsihrintzis, and N. Nandhakumar, Statistical Modeling of Foliage Clutter in UWB Radar and Obscured Target Detection, CISS’97, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, March 19-21, 1997, invited paper. [31] G.A. Tsihrintzis, Communication in Alpha-Stable Impulsive Interference, Asilomar ‘97, Pacific Grove, CA, November 2-5, 1997, invited paper. [32] G.A. Tsihrintzis, E. Heyman, and A.J. Devaney, Estimation of Object Location from Short-Pulse Scatter Data, SPIE International Symposium on Aerospace/Defense Sensing, Simulation, and Controls: Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Mine-Like Targets III, Orlando, FL, April 13-17, 1998. [33] G.A. Tsihrintzis, C. Rappaport, S. Winton, and P. Johansen, On Statistical-Physical Modeling of Rough Surface Clutter for Ground Penetrating Radar Applications, SPIE International Symposium on Aerospace/Defense Sensing, Simulation, and Controls: Detection and Remediation Technologies for Mines and Mine-Like Targets III, Orlando, FL, April 13-17, 1998. [34] G.A. Tsihrintzis, Wavelet Expansions of Volterra Systems, CISS ‘98, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, March 18-20, 1998. [35] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.J. Devaney, Detection and Estimation of Stochastic Targets from Cumulant Features of their Tomographic (Radon) Projections, CISS ‘98, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, March 18-20, 1998. [36] G.A. Tsihrintzis, Cramer-Rao Bounds for Communication in Sub-Gaussian Alpha-Stable Impulsive Interference, CISS ‘98, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, March 18-20, 1998. [37] G.A. Tsihrintzis, A.J. Devaney, and E. Heyman, Estimation of Object Location from Short-Pulse Scatter Data, ICASSP ‘98, Seattle, WA, May 12-15, 1998. [38] G.A. Tsihrintzis, P. Tsakalides, and C.L. Nikias, Spectral Methods for Stationary Harmonizable Alpha-Stable Processes, EUSIPCO ‘98, Island of Rhodes, GR, Sept. 8-11, 1998. [39] G.A. Tsihrintzis, Cramer-Rao Bounds for Communication in Sub-Gaussian, Alpha-Stable Impulsive Interference, MILCOM ‘98, Bedford, MA, October 18-21, 1998. [40] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.J. Devaney, Automatic Target Detection, Recognition, and Location Estimation from Wavefield Measurements, CISS ‘99, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, March 18-20, 1998. [41] G.A. Tsihrintzis, Order Statistics-Based Estimation of the Characteristic Exponent of Symmetric, Alpha-Stable Distributions, CISS ‘99, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, March 17-19, 1999. [42] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.J. Devaney, Higher-Order (Nonlinear) Diffraction Tomography, CISS ‘99, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, March 17-19, 1999. [43] Y. Glina, G.A. Tsihrintzis, C.M. Warner, D.O. Hogenboom, and C.A. Dimarzio, On the Use of the Optical Quadrature Method in Tomographic Microscopy, BIOS ‘99, vol. 3605, San Jose, CA, 1999. [44] G.A. Tsihrintzis, Hidden Target Detection and Location Estimation from Scattered Field Measurements, 4th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Scattering Theory and Biomedical Technology, Perdika, Thesprotia, Greece, October 8-10, 1999. [45] G.A. Tsihrintzis, Nonlinear Tomographic Reconstruction Algorithms for Inversion of Scattered Field Data, 4th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Scattering Theory and Biomedical Technology, Perdika, Thesprotia, Greece, October 8-10, 1999 [46] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.J. Devaney, Nonlinear Diffraction Tomography via Inversion of the Rytov Series, CISS'2000, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, March 15-17, 2000. [47] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.J. Devaney, Higher-Order (Nonlinear) Diffraction Tomography, ICASSP’2000, Istanbul, Turkey, June 5-9, 2000 [48] G.A. Tsihrintzis, Environmental Subsurface Sensing and Imaging: Challenges and Proposed Solutions, Protection and Restoration of the Environment, Thassos Island, Greece, July 3-6, 2000 [49] G.A. Tsihrintzis, Inverse Scattering via Linear and Nonlinear Tomography, EUSIPCO-2000, Tampere, Finland, September 5-8, 2000 [50] G.A. Tsihrintzis, Polynomial Approximators to Plane Wave Scattering and Applications in Nonlinear Diffraction Tomographic Imaging, CISS‘2001, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, March 21-23, 2001. [51] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.J. Devaney, Perturbation-Based, Nonlinear Traveltime Tomography, CISS‘2001, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, March 21-23, 2001. [52] G.A. Tsihrintzis, High-Resolution Environmental Subsurface Imaging, 1st International Conference on Ecological Protection of the Planet Earth, Xanthi, Greece, June 5-8, 2001 [53] G.A. Tsihrintzis, Environmental Pattern Recognition, 1st International Conference on Ecological Protection of the Planet Earth, Xanthi, Greece, June 5-8, 2001 [54] G.A. Tsihrintzis and K.G. Girtis, High-Resolution Subsurface Sensing, Imaging, and Vision, SERVICEROB’2001, Island of Santorini, Greece, June 24-28, 2001 [55] G.A. Tsihrintzis, A Review of the State-of-the-Art in High-Resolution Subsurface Imaging and Vision, 10th Colloquium on Numerical Analysis and Computer Sciences with Applications, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Aug. 12-17, 2001 (INVITED PAPER) [56] G.A. Tsihrintzis and K.G. Girtis, Ray Theory- and Eikonal-Based Time-of Flight Tomography, 5th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Scattering Theory and Biomedical Technology, Island of Corfu, Greece, October 18-19, 2001 [57] G.A. Tsihrintzis and K.G. Girtis, Overview of Wave Probe-Based High-Resolution Subsurface Sensing, Imaging, and Vision, 2nd Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 11-12, 2002 [58] G.A. Tsihrintzis, On the Problem of Tomographic Imaging of Periodically Time-Varying Objects in the Environment, Protection and Restoration of the Environment VI, Island of Skiathos, Greece, July 1-5, 2002 [59] G.A. Tsihrintzis, Diffraction Tomography of Periodically Time-Varying Objects, 2002 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Hammamet, Tunisia, October 6-9, 2002 [60] G.A. Tsihrintzis, K.G. Girtis and N. Alexandris, Imaging Oscillating Subsurface Objects in the Environment, HELECO’03: An International Exhibition and Conference on Environmental Technology, Athens, Greece, January 30 – February 2, 2003 [61] A.D. Theodossi and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Multimedia Indexing and Retrieval in Environmental Information Systems, HELECO’03: An International Exhibition and Conference on Environmental Technology, Athens, Greece, January 30 – February 2, 2003 [62] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.D. Theodossi, On the Statistical Distribution of Features in Content-Based Image Retrieval, 10th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Crete, Greece, June 22-27, 2003 [63] G.A. Tsihrintzis, Computational Time-Reversal Imaging via Subspace Methods, 6th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Scattering Theory and Biomedical Technology, Tsepelovo, Greece, September 15-18, 2003 [64] I-O. Stathopoulou and G.A. Tsihrintzis, A new neural network-based method for the detection of faces in images and applications in bioinformatics, 6th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Scattering Theory and Biomedical Technology, Tsepelovo, Greece, September 15-18, 2003 [65] G.A. Tsihrintzis and P.S. Lampropoulou, On an inverse problem of ∆ψ=-φψ, 6th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Scattering Theory and Biomedical Technology, Tsepelovo, Greece, September 15-18, 2003 [66] G.A. Tsihrintzis and A.D. Theodossi, Statistical Pattern Recognition-Based Techniques for Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval, 6th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Scattering Theory and Biomedical Technology, Tsepelovo, Greece, September 15-18, 2003 [67] A.S. Lampropoulos and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering for Musical Database Visualization and Browsing, 3rd Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Samos, Greece, May 5-8, 2004 [68] G.A. Tsihrintzis and P.S. Lampropoulou, A Computer Simulation Study of the Location Estimation Problem in ∆ψ=-φψ, 2004 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Pisa, Italy, May 23-27, 2004 (INVITED PAPER) [69] A.S. Lampropoulos and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Semantically Meaningful Music Retrieval with Content-Based Features and Fuzzy Clustering, 5th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, Lisboa, Portugal, April 21-23, 2004 [70] D. Sotiropoulos and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Feature Selection-Based Relevance Feedback in Content-Based Retrieval Systems, 5th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, Lisboa, Portugal, April 21-23, 2004 [71] I.-O. Stathopoulou and G.A. Tsihrintzis, A New Neural Network-Based Facial Expression Analysis System, 5th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services, Lisboa, Portugal, April 21-23, 2004 [72] D.N. Sotiropoulos and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Adaptive Assistance to Instructors-Authors for Selection of Images through the Web for Tutoring Purposes, 5th International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education, Samos Island, Greece, July 1-3, 2004 [73] A.S. Lampropoulos and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Web-Based Instruction of Music Students through Internet Sources, 5th International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education, Samos Island, Greece, July 1-3, 2004 [74] A.S. Lampropoulos, D.N. Sotiropoulos, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Individualization of Music Similarity Perception via Feature Subset Selection, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 2004, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 10-13, 2004
[75] I.-O. Stathopoulou and G.A. Tsihrintzis,
An Improved Neural-Network-Based Face Detection and Facial [76] A. Frigas, G. Larios, G.A. Tsihrintzis, and J. Mantas, Image Retrieval in Medical Image Databases, European Federation of Medical Informatics Special Topic Conference on Health and Medical Informatics Applications - Educational Aspects, Athens, Greece, March 19-20, 2005 [77] P.S. Lampropoulou, A.S. Lampropoulos, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Musical Genre Classification of Audio Data Using Source Separation Techniques, 5th EURASIP Conference on Speech and Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services, Smolenice, Slovak Republic, June 29- July 2, 2005 [78] I.-O. Stathopoulou and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Preprocessing and Expression Classification in Low Quality Face Images, 5th EURASIP Conference on Speech and Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services, Smolenice, Slovak Republic, June 29- July 2, 2005 [79] D.N. Sotiropoulos, A.S. Lampropoulos, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Artificial Immune System-Based Music Piece Similarity Measures and Database Organization, 5th EURASIP Conference on Speech and Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services, Smolenice, Slovak Republic, June 29- July 2, 2005 [80] I.-O. Stathopoulou and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Evaluation of the Discrimination Power of Features Extracted from 2-D and 3-D Facial Images for Facial Expression Analysis, 13th European Signal Processing Conference, Antalya, Turkey, September 4-8, 2005 [81] G.A. Tsihrintzis and P.S. Lampropoulou, Object Detection in Diffusive Wave Imaging, 7th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Scattering Theory and Biomedical Technology, Nymfaio, Greece, September 8-11, 2005 [82] I.-O. Stathopoulou, G.A. Tsihrintzis, A. Velegraki and K. Kollia, Clustering and Classification of Electrophoresis Strands for Fungi Fingerprinting, 7th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Scattering Theory and Biomedical Technology, Nymfaio, Greece, September 8-11, 2005 [83] D.N. Sotiropoulos and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Immune System-Based Clustering and Classification Algorithms, 7th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Scattering Theory and Biomedical Technology, Nymfaio, Greece, September 8-11, 2005 [84] A.S. Lampropoulos, P.S. Lampropoulou, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Musical Genre Classification Enhanced by Source Separation Techniques, 6th International Conference on Music Information Retrieval, London, UK, September 11-15, 2005 [85] A.S. Lampropoulos, P.S. Lampropoulou, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, A Middleware System for Web-based Digital Music Libraries, 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence, Compiegne University of Technology, France, September 19-22, 2005 [86] I.-O. Stathopoulou and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Detection and Expression Classification System for Face Images (FADECS), 2005 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, Athens, Greece, November 2-4, 2005 [87] D.N. Sotiropoulos, G.A. Tsihrintzis, A. Savvopoulos, and M. Virvou, A Comparison of Customer Data Clustering Techniques in an e-Shopping Application, 2nd International Workshop on Web Personalization, Recommender Systems and Intelligent User Interfaces (WPRSIUI'06), Dublin, Ireland, June 20-23, 2006 [88] K. Kabassi, M. Virvou, G.A. Tsihrintzis, P. G. Kazantzis, and Th. Papadatou, Adaptive Presentation of Environmental Information in a GIS, Protection and Restoration of the Environment VIII, Chania, Greece, July 3-7, 2006 [89] I.-O. Stathopoulou, G.A. Tsihrintzis, G. Gaitanis, K. Kollia, and A., Velegraki, Similarity Measurement of Electrophoresis Strands for Fungi Fingerprinting, 13th International Conference on Signals, Systems, and Image Processing, Budapest, Hungary, September 21-23, 2006 [90] I.-O. Stathopoulou and G.A. Tsihrintzis, An Accurate Method for eye detection and feature extraction in face color images, 13th International Conference on Signals, Systems, and Image Processing, Budapest, Hungary, September 21-23, 2006 [91] D.N. Sotiropoulos, G.A. Tsihrintzis, A. Savvopoulos, and M. Virvou, Artificial Immune System-based Customer Data Clustering in an e-Shopping Application, 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, October 9-11, 2006 [92] I.-O. Stathopoulou and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Facial Expression Classification: Specifying Requirements for an Automated System, 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, October 9-11, 2006 [93] P.S. Lampropoulou, A.S. Lampropoulos, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, ALIMOS: A Middleware System for Accessing Digital Music Libraries in Mobile Services, 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, October 9-11, 2006 [94] M. Virvou, A.S. Lampropoulos, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, INMA: A Knowledge-Based Authoring Tool for Music Education, 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, October 9-11, 2006 [95] K. Kabassi, M. Virvou, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Hybrid Intelligent Medical Tutor for Atheromatosis, 10th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, October 9-11, 2006 [96] K. Kabassi, M. Virvou, G.A. Tsihrintzis, Requirements Capture for a Personalized Medical Tutor, International Special Topic Conference on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Ioannina, Greece, October 26-28, 2006
D.N. Sotiropoulos, A.S. Lampropoulos, and
G.A. Tsihrintzis,
Music Recommendation based on Feature Subset Selection, 1st
International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in
Recommender Systems (AIRS) [98] I.-O. Stathopoulou and G.A. Tsihrintzis, NEU-FACES: A Neural Network-based Face Image Analysis System, 8th International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Systems, Warsaw, Poland, April 11-14, 2007 [99] M. Virvou, A. Savvopoulos, G.A. Tsihrintzis, and D.N. Sotiropoulos, Constructing Stereotypes for an Adaptive e-Shop using AIN-based Clustering, 8th International Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Systems, Warsaw, Poland, April 11-14, 2007 [100] D.N. Sotiropoulos, A.S. Lampropoulos, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Evaluation of Modeling Music Similarity Perception via Feature Subset Selection, 11th International Conference on User Modelling, Corfu, Greece, June 25-29, 2007 [101] M. Virvou, G.A. Tsihrintzis, E. Alepis, I.-O. Stathopoulou, and K. Kabassi, Combining Empirical Studies of Audio-Lingual and Visual-Facial Modalities for Emotion Recognition, 11th International Conference on Knowledge-Based & Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, September 12-14, 2007 [102] K. Kabassi, M. Virvou, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, E-learning for Health Issues based on Rule-based Reasoning and Multi-Criteria Decision Making, 2nd International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT), Barcelona, Spain, July 22-25, 2007 [103] I.-O. Stathopoulou and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Towards Automated Inferencing of Emotional State from Face Images, 2nd International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2007), Barcelona, Spain, July 22-25, 2007 [104] I.-O. Stathopoulou and G.A. Tsihrintzis, A Neural Network-based System for Face Detection in Low Quality Web Camera Images, 2007 International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP 2007), Barcelona, Spain, July 28-31, 2007 [105] A. Theodossi and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Statistical Shape Recognition Study for Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval, 8th International Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Scattering Theory and Biomedical Technology, Lefkada, Greece, September 28-30, 2007 [106] G.A. Tsihrintzis, M. Virvou, E. Alepis, and I.-O. Stathopoulou, Towards Improving Visual-Facial Emotion Recognition through Use of Complementary Keyboard-Stroke Pattern Information, 5th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations (ITNG2008), Las Vegas, Nevada, April 7-9, 2008 [107] P.S. Lampropoulou, A.S. Lampropoulos and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Evaluation of a Middleware System for Accessing Digital Music Libraries in Mobile Services, 5th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations (ITNG2008), Las Vegas, Nevada, April 7-9, 2008 (best poster paper of the conference) [108] A. Theodossi and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Content-Based Image Retrieval using Feature Extraction and Statistical Pattern Recognition Techniques for Environmental Applications, 15th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP2008), Bratislava, Slovakia, June 25-28, 2008 [109] P.S. Lampropoulou, A.S. Lampropoulos and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Evaluation Process and Results of a Middleware System for Accessing Digital Music LIbraries in MObile Services, 1st International Symposium on Intelligent Interactive/Multimedia Systems and Services (KES-IIMSS-08), Piraeus, Greece, July 9-11, 2008 [110] P.S. Lampropoulou, A.S. Lampropoulos and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Musical Instrument Category Discrimination Using Wavelet-based Source Separation, 1st International Symposium on Intelligent Interactive/Multimedia Systems and Services (KES-IIMSS-08), Piraeus, Greece, July 9-11, 2008 [111] I.-O. Stathopoulou and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Comparative Performance Evaluation of Artificial Neural Network-based vs. Human Facial Expression Classifiers, 1st International Symposium on Intelligent Interactive/Multimedia Systems and Services (KES-IIMSS-08), Piraeus, Greece, July 9-11, 2008 [112] D.N. Sotiropoulos, A.S. Lampropoulos, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Artificial Immune System-based Music Genre Classification, 1st International Symposium on Intelligent Interactive/Multimedia Systems and Services (KES-IIMSS-08), Piraeus, Greece, July 9-11, 2008 [113] A. Savvopoulos, M. Virvou, D.N. Sotiropoulos, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Clustering for User Modeling in Recommender e-Commerce Application: A RUP-based Intelligent Software Life-Cycle, 8th Joint Conference on Knowledge-based Software Engineering (JCKBSE08), Piraeus, Greece August 25-28, 2008 [114] M. Virvou, G.A. Tsihrintzis, E. Alepis, and I.-O. Stathopoulou, Designing a Multi-Modal Affective Knowledge-based User Interface: Combining Empirical Studies, 8th Joint Conference on Knowledge-based Software Engineering (JCKBSE08), Piraeus, Greece, August 25-28, 2008 [115] A. Theodossi and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Using Agents for Feature Extraction: Content Based Image Retrieval for Medical Applications, 8th IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE2008), Athens, Greece, October 8-10, 2008 [116] G.A. Tsihrintzis, M. Virvou, I.-O. Stathopoulou, and E. Alepis, On Improving Visual-Facial Emotion Recognition with Audio-Lingual and Keyboard Stroke Pattern Information, The 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI’08), Sidney, Australia, December 9-12, 2008 [117] P.S. Lampropoulou, D.N. Sotiropoulos, A.S. Lampropoulos, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, A Back-End System for Digital Image Library Organization based on Concept Learning, 6th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations (ITNG2009), Las Vegas, Nevada, April 27-29, 2009 [118] A.S. Lampropoulos, I.-O. Stathopoulou, and G.A. Tsihrintzis, Comparative Performance Evaluation of Classifiers for Facial Expression Recognition, 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Interactive/Multimedia Systems and Services (KES-IIMSS-09), Mogliano Veneto (Venice), Italy, July 15-17, 2009 [119] P.S. Lampropoulou, A.S. Lampropoulos and G.A. Tsihrintzis, A Mobile Music Recommender System based on a Two-level Genre-Rating SVM Classifier enhanced by Collaborative Filtering, 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Interactive/Multimedia Systems and Services (KES-IIMSS-09), Mogliano Veneto (Venice), Italy, July 15-17, 2009 [120] I.-O. Stathopoulou, E. Alepis, G.A. Tsihrintzis, and M. Virvou, On Assisting a Visual-Facial Affect Recognition System with Keyboard-Stroke Pattern Information, The Twenty-ninth SGAI International Conference (AI-2009), Cambridge, UK, December 15-17, 2009 (selected in the best papers of the application stream of the conference) REFERRED PAPERS IN GREEK JOURNALS
Last update March 2010